Minosep Antiseptic Solution
Contains Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.05%
Disinfectant liquid specifically for wounds during tooth extraction and 'dental unit water lines'.
Effective for
Relieves pain, wounds dry more quickly without causing irritation
-Membantu mempercepat penyembuhan luka.
-Mencegah terjadinya infeksi pada kulit akibat LUKA TERGORES, LECET, EKSTRASI GIGI, TALI PUSAR BAYI, LUKA KHITAN & digunakan di DENTAL UNIT WATER LINES.
Kemasan 30ml Spray sangat cocok untuk ditaroh di dalam tas.
Selalu sedia Minosep® Antiseptik Solution spray di perjalanan anda. #TRAVELSAFE
30ml, 500ml, 5Liter
Sterilize, Sanitize, Safeguard - Hospital Grade Excellence
Side effects
Has a persistent (residual) effect for 6 hours after use.
Store at room temperature.
Keep away from direct sunlight.
If swallowed or causes complaints, stop use and contact a doctor immediately.
Keep out of reach of children.
Based on Research Journals:
*Journal based on Chlorhexidine Antiseptic Irrigation Eradicates Staphylococcus epidermidis From Biofilm: An In Vitro Study.
Mencegah terjadinya infeksi pada saat operasi dengan menggunakan Antiseptik Solution yang mengandung CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE.
*Journal based on Antimicrobial Activity of Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0,05% on Bacterial Contamination in Dental Unit Water Lines.
Most general practice dental unit water lines have been as a source for potential infection, consequently most water used during routine dental procedures has bacterial contamination above the level considered acceptable for safe drinking water. One agent of anti microbial widely used to reduce the bacterial load in the mouth is CHLORHEXIDINE.
*Journal based on The Wound Healing Effect of Chlorhexidine 0,05% In The Treatment of School Children with Vulnus Laceratum.
Penggunaan Obat Luka Chlorhexidine 0,05% untuk ANAK2 USIA SEKOLAH
Salah satu luka yang banyak ditemukan pada masyarakat khususnya pada luka pada anak-anak akibat cedera terjatuh. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah menutup luka dengan obat luka CHLORHEXIDINE untuk menghindari kontaminasi bakteri, mempercepat proses penyembuhan & mengurangi rasa sakit.
Disimpulkan CHLORHEXIDINE 0,05% mampu menghilangkan pertumbuhan Pseudomonas aeruginosa pada VL. Luka yang telah memakai CHLORHEXIDINE Antiseptic Solution juga menjadi lebih cepat kering.
Microorganism are widely scattered in nature and are found as normal flora in the skin. It can be hazardous to human especially children who have tissue injuries. With the topical treatment of Chlorhexidine 0,05%, there were not any Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria found on the Vulnus laceratum.